This decision crisis is coming earlier to me than from what I have seen from most nursing students. Mainly because I have so much riding on every decision I make concerning school. How much study time do I put in versus, being able to function at my current job versus family time.
It is rough out here in the real world.
It is also tough for me because I have made so many career changes, most admittedly not of my own choosing. I feel that I have often stumbled into what many would call successes, mainly on the backs and coat tails of others. Somehow, I have ended up with a beautiful, and more than a little understanding, wife and a little boy who looks at me with such love that I tear up just thinking about it.
I love my work and UK. I know this is the right place for me, but I am not getting any younger. You can only bounce back professionally so many times. I always fear, that this may be the last bounce, that if things don't go in the correct direction, the fragile "house of cards" will come crashing down.
The best consolation, is that I have the wife, successful in her own right. That we have an amazing support system in her family. Finally, I have that little boy who needs me to win. Who needs me to find that confidence and career that will make him want to be just like his Daddy.
This Grown-Up stuff is hard.
Lighter Notes:
We had a great Boys' Nite tonight. Glad all four of us could get together and they could spend some time with Quinn. During our NO QUINN ALLOWED TIME, we watched they very funny, PIRANHA 3D. This movie is truly only for adults and 13 yr old boys to sneak and watch on HBO late at night. It is juvenile and bloody with a wink to the camera with every bikini close-up and every skull left behind. Highly recommended for the "so intentionally bad, that it is unintentionally good" crowd. Also, it is as R rated as they come.
We turned our IPhones back on and with little hesitation, I reactivated my Facebook account. Of course, little has changed. The under-informed continue to shout the loudest, while saying the least. I am sure many find me the same way. Dropped a few people and hid news feed updates from more. It is practically embedded in your phone that Facebook accounts be a part of every application. C'est la vie....
Peace and Hair Grease to all.....