Saturday, January 25, 2014

Dang, it's cold!

So an entire post I had been working on since around 8am this morning was deleted. Then I realized that was kind of a good thing. It kind of cleared out the foolishness from my brain and allowed for more genuine less trivial thoughts in. 

1.The Peppa Pig Takeover was the 18th.  The boy turned four. The wife pulled off a great family event. I hope the boy grows up knowing how grateful he should be to have a mom like her. I know how grateful I am to have her as a wife. 

2. What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, by Raymond Carver is a powerful collection of short stories from the 80's. The stories are ugly and harsh, opening up and showing the rawness of contemporary relationships. It is tough read and not for everyone, but Carver was an amazing talent and I reccomend it. 

3. Unvarnished is the new album by Joan Jett and The Blackhearts and I really enjoyed it. It is a loud, raucous and very juvenile piece of work that best enjoyed with the volume turned up to 11. Less than that you may give the very silly lyrics some thought and that would be bad for all involved. 

Life is solid right now. Please stay warm. I hope that there are no more reports of deaths related from the cold here in Lexington. Please keep your loved ones and pets safe in the coming weeks.

Peace and Hair Grease!

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